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JIDEP Consortium Interview Series
As part of JIDEP’s two-day event in Brunel Composites Centre (BCC), Cambridge, an interview series featuring discussions with the key technical players of JIDEP were conducted.
Dr Feroz Farazi, University of Cambridge
Dr Feroz Farazi, University of Cambidge
Donatas Gendvilas, Adscenses

Ural Halaçoğlu & Reyhan Nergis ÖNER, Zorlu Energy Group
Ural HalaçoÄŸlu & Reyhan Nergis ÖNER, Zorlu Energy Group

Dr Fahim Chowdhury, TVS
Dr Fahim Chowdhury, TVS

Zeev Pritzker, Arteevo
Zeev Pritzker, Arteevo

Jens Schumacher, FHV
Jens Schumacher, FHV

Utku TİRİÇ & Berkay Aydoğan, TPI
Utku TÄ°RÄ°Ç & Berkay AydoÄŸan, TPI

Simone Bocca, University of Treno
Simone Bocca, University of Trento

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